COVID19 exponential breakout in Japan over a few days.

COVID19 exponential breakout in Japan over a few days.

There seems to have been an exponential breakout in COVID-19 cases in Japan between the dates 9 Feb to 15 Feb. This was probably one single cluster of cases but I have not researched if this is actually true.

It seems from the data that I have examined that there are exponential outbreaks that get shut down by quarantining and then these turn to a kind of an S-curve.

I think the entire Wuhan curve is doing this. In Japan we likely had a mini version of this.

What seems to be happening in Singapore is that there have been several mini outbreaks that got closed down but the outbreaks are getting larger gradually. This leads to an uptrend in daily new cases which might be roughly linear and a roughly parabolic acceleration curve in total cases.

Exponential breakout in Japan 09-15 Feb 2020:

This forms part of the overall Japan total cases chart, which overall does not seem to be exponential but closer to parabolic:

Singapore is similar to an extent:


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