Lockdowns and their potential good effects on case numbers.

Effects of lockdowns vs. South Korea’s Strategy.

14+ days from lockdown to peak new daily cases?

UK Sort of “Lockdown”
PM’s speech 23 March pm. “Lockdown” starts 24 March.
16 days from then would be 9 April but look for any potential improvements 14 days from the speech, which would be 6 April.
This would be in line with Italy's and Spain's experience of peak new cases around 14-16 days after lock down actually started, perhaps 17 days. See table and text below:

*South Korea’s Strategy

S Korea locked down some military bases but not whole regions, instead carrying out mass testing, especially in Daegu and Cheongdo and compulsory quarantining serious cases in hospital and less serious and suspected cases elsewhere (often at home).

BBC report by Hyung Eun Kim, BBC Korean Service, Seoul:
‘Warning government signs are everywhere. They say: "Three ways to prevent further infection: wear a mask at all times; wash your hands properly with soap for more than 30 seconds; and cover yourself when coughing."’

npr.org report:
‘"Testing is central" to the outbreak response, said Kang, "because that leads to early detection. It minimizes further spread." And it allows health authorities to quickly isolate and treat those found with the virus.
They've used testing aggressively to identify cases — not only testing people who are so sick that they're hospitalized but also mild cases and even suspected cases. They've quarantined tens of thousands of people who may have been exposed to confirmed cases.
The vast majority of the people ordered to quarantine at home are perfectly healthy and never do get sick, but the few who do develop symptoms can be quickly isolated further. ‘

Straits Times 31 March re: S Korea:
‘The new mandatory isolation for all arrivals will go into effect on April 1, Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said at a government meeting.’

BBC 21 Feb

NPR 26 Mar

Straits Times 29 Mar

Italy’s Lockdowns

21 Feb some places in Lombardy locked down
8th March 16m people N Italy
9th March pm all of Italy

I was analysing Italy’s trend from 24 Feb
Italy trend worsened 4th March to 8 March

Peak new cases 6557 on 22 March
Also 2nd peak 6153 on 27 March
plus 5959 on 28 March
plus 5974 on 29 March.
Average peak date around 25 March.
Peak new deaths 971 28th March: 19 DAYS.


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