COVID-19 Forecasts based on data up to WHO report #57

Forecasts based on data up to WHO report #57:

Italy cumulative cases: approx. 240,000 (settling in range 200,000-255,000?)

South Korea cumulative cases: down to 8,347
China cumulative cases: down to 81,253
China cumulative deaths: down to 3,347
Globally: very high uncertainty but current trend points to around 26 million.

Here's a really good video on how to handle family life hold up at home for a few weeks or months:
With Dr. Chris Martenson and  Dr. Peter Boghossian, best-selling author of the book 'How To Have Impossible Conversations'.

Italy's curves:

Construction of daily new cases, together with current cases if illness lasts 10 and 14 days:

Contrast S Korea's actual curve from a few days ago - forecast actually now under 9,000:

Forecast curve - the flattening portion is in play now:


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